Practice Opportunities

Updated 4/15

Wednesday night..once a month guest healing circles

I have been loving sharing the QT healing Circle with you. Thankyou for your big hearted loving presence.

Many of you are working on your hours for certification. I wanted to update you on some information that came up in the last QT professionals meeting.   In an effort to promote consistency in proficiency, the practitioner certification program will add some accountability at the admin levels. What this means is that sometime in the future, students will be required to also have some kind of in-person mentoring meeting as part of the certification program. I have no time table on this, and no details have been set up yet. I just know that if you are collecting hours and not planning to certify any time soon.. then the requirements may be changed a bit. Keep it in mind.

As some of you may have read from the healing circle page, I have started asking students to come for practice time when I have a 1-1 class, so that the student may have several hands on experiences. It seems to be a win- win for former students and current student alike to have practice time sharing QT. For former students, its an opportunity to add more time to your practice log and experience more energy.   Any opportunity to run energy is good for others and for you.  

I am currently planning on attending a small wellness festival in Catonsville 4/27. I haven’t decided how I will run the agenda for the day yet, but If you are local… and want some practice time.. it might be a possibility for hands on. Let me know if you are interested.  

I’m also feeling like I would like to offer a healing circle event that we can have an opportunity to work as a group with an individual with some specific health concern. I know my schedule is often too full and am mindful what that might mean for other people’s schedules. However, I do find while mentally one more thing on my schedule sometimes feels daunting, the energy after the offering of healing work is joyful, loving, and energizing, and does so much for the world at large, how can I not consider it.   Know that I am exploring the idea. Let me know if you have interest in this type of offering to join a circle with me. Tentatively thinking TUESDAY *changed from considering Wednesday night) nights on short term commitments, but idea still evolving.  

And.. i would love to get together sometime late spring early summer – as many of us all as possible to meet, greet, practice for a few hours, perhaps on a Saturday afternoon. There would be just a small fee per person (5-10$) to cover the room cost dependent on how many of us and how long we have the room. Again..let me know interest.. and we can plan… I’d like to do the exercise of people in a circle shown in the back of your QT manual 🙂   That’s, all for now.. Grateful for each of you,..

ADDED!! – SAVE the date..Save the Date 7/20 Saturday 1-3or4


Intrinisic You