NEW INFO! 1st Wednesday of the month starting June 5, 2024
Intention – Wednesday night healing circle agenda, service larger population.. offerning QT/Love
Handout for guest and person inviting -Guest understanding
- The when – 1st Wednesdays of the month 7-8:45pm/ish EST..(In TIME POSSIBility of ALSO 3RD..)
- The who –
- students who have taken at least QT level 1 will serve as facilitators;
- individually invited guests for mini sessions
- The why – I have 2 whys..
- First as noted above.. variation 1- to offer healing circles to those with health concerns, and increase our practice understanding..
- Secondary variation -to increase QT understanding of public… and our personal public exposure. Let’s be real for a minute.. I want to be very clear on intention.. . healing circles are for just that.. promoting healing!!!! There is also a reality that we want to make QT and ourselves more widely known. I’m not sure this was ever my original intention when I started forming circles. My path has led me to teaching which is a way I offer to world. This may or may not be a path for you. That being said, many wish to be practitioners.. and why wouldn’t you want some connections for your future practice – so we start to build a bigger community that includes non – practitioners….we are all connected. In time we can branch out bigger..I’m a slow starter and believe in organic evolution……
- The how – format- zoom
- Variation 1-I would like to begin the 1st Wednesday of month 7-8:45ish – virtual
- Facilitators sign on by 7:00 and we chat format, intentions / brief meditation etc.
- Guests are invited by current circle members – there will be a handout available with understanding for the guest, with qt principles such as all healing is self healing, we offer the higher vibration of love, each from QT and own gifts etc., etc..
- 2 guests will be invited for each healing member who does inviting briefs the guest on agenda etc..
- 7:15 1st guest arrives
- Guest spends a few moments explaining issues and concerns,
- group runs energy tilll 7:50 -group runs energy for about 25 minutes- remember to empower their expressed chase the pain etc..
- 7:50- quest has opportunity to share what they noticed… as well as facilitators..try to keep feedback in qt terms, what was noticed, or felt drawn to and goodbyes and gratitude
- 8 pm – 2nd guest arrives and process is repeated with this guest
- 8:45 we debrief from 2nd session and bring to close…
- Variation 2 – to start sometime in future..If you have interest..start sending energy into future:-) I would like to begin 3rd Wednesdays in time.. probably 7pm..just an hour/ hour-15ish– this is an invitation for guests to simply experience Quantum Touch and notice how they feel..and let the public start to know QT facilitators exist.. ..Lets see how April session goes and decide if we start in May..or maybe June..
- Facilitators sign on by 7:00 and we chat; format, intentions etc brief meditation
- Guests are invited by current circle members – or friends etc..– eventually opening up to public etc.. .. there will be a handout available with understanding for the guest, with QT principles such as all healing is self healing, we offer the higher vibration of love, each from QT and own gifts etc., etc..
- A larger number of guests 5-8people- will be invited for each healing circle..(could be same people of individual sessions) for an experience
- Guests arrives at 7:15..receive a brief talk on energy circle
- Guests spend very brief moment explaining issues/concerns..few words
- 7:30/ish group runs energy for about 20minutes as a group to all participants
- guest has opportunity to share a moment what they noticed… as well as facilitators..try to keep BRIEF feedback in qt terms, what was noticed, or felt drawn to
- 8ish- facilitators debrief with each other as needed..this is to facilitate our own learning. Remember we may all experience different aspects..this is part of bringing our own unique vibration as part of the synergy of the group
- Few minutes – bring to closer -breathe and sweep as group for our group and the world..