About Circles:
Please preregister for access to zoom if you’d like to join in the gathering. You must preregister for each session individually. If you have questions, please Contact me
Morning Meditation Circle –Meditation is a good self-care practice. Its a great way to start the day! Even if you can’t sit still, come and learn a variety of ways to start the day off with centering and grounding meditations. Practices will vary choosing from options such as drumming, guided meditations, movement meditations, breathwork and the more traditional silent forms. Preregister for access to zoom if you’d like to join in the gathering.
Hearts and Hands Circle – Love to knit or crochet but no one to stitch for? Join us for a social gathering of others who love to stitch and donate your item to a local charity. Current service projects include prayer shawls for hospice, scarves & hats for the homeless, and cotton bandaging. Your stitched items become a gift of caring to someone in need, and stitching has many benefits for you too.
Reiki Circle – A Reiki circle is social gathering of Reiki practitioners who meet for the purpose of sharing Reiki healing with one another. Beginners are welcome.
Quantum Touch Circle – A QT circle is social gathering for the purpose of being in the QT flow of energy. Nothing is required to receive. Classes are offered By QuantumTouch.com if you wish to learn.
Lunch and Learn – Join me on line.. Bring your lunch for an informal gathering. We will meet for approximately 60-90 minutes. Each gathering will include a short gathering ritual, a presentation, often an DYI activity and time for questions or conversation and closing. Each month we will cover a different area of life that nourishes a healthy lifestyle that promotes well-being.